Category Archives: Politics

New EP – Left To Rot

Yesterday I recorded and released my new 3 track EP ‘Left To Rot’.

The EP is now available to download for free from my bandcamp site along with my other 2 releases.

The songs are about the wastage of empty buildings, the government work program and long term unemployment.

A rant against the A-Political and so called ‘Non Political’ Punks

A rant against the A-Political and so called ‘Non Political’ Punks

I just had an argument with an admin who runs quite a large punk music based page on Facebook regarding a picture he posted.

The picture was of 2 stick men, one throwing a Swastika into a bin, the other throwing a Hammer & Sickle into a Bin. Around this image were the words “Love Music Hate Politics”.

My initial response to the image was that I disagreed and hated fence sitters. My reason for this is that many far right bands have now begun using the “We don’t do politics” line to avoid being exposed as the Nazi’s they are.

When I pointed out that you couldn’t love punk music and hate politics as the majority of punk is political the admin responded with

“MOST PUNKS HATE politicians and the shit they do SO YES HATE POLITICS and thats not being a fence sitter”

To which I responded – “Anarchism, Anti-authoritarianism, anti-fascism, these are all political theories and I fail to see how you could enjoy a song about any of these things (like the last few posts you made admin) without subscribing to them. The only way you could enjoy them without agreeing with them is if you didn’t understand the language that they are in as then they would be meaningless.”

Admins Response – “Fascism,Communism,Capitalism = War ,Greed ,hatred,money and power HATE POLITICS”

Me – “You’ve just completely ignored my point! You can hate on politicians and Governing State’s and their theory all you want, I hate them too but you cant hate on politics as it includes all stances against such things”

Admin – “ANARCHY is self Autonomy with no state telling you what to do .”

Me – “Anarchism is a political theory whether you like it or not. I’ll believe you hate politics when you post this same pic with an added stick man throwing a circle A into a bin.”

As of yet the admin has neither responded nor posted a picture with the addition I suggested.

Before my next point I would like to make clear that the admin regularly posts anti fascist links and attacks racism openly on the page.

Why I agued & why I’m posting this

Normally when I see something on facebook I ignore it as quite frankly I’ve got better things to do. I commented on this however as the line “I’m not interested in politics” is becoming increasing used by people who call themselves punk.

The “Not interested in politics” line is also the main defense of many bands when asked about their opinions on serious matters. They say they sit on the fence but in reality have a right wing agenda and refuse to admit it (you’ll never find someone who is ashamed to be an Anti-fascist) . More people saying their not interested in politics and sitting on the fence means that these bands can hide in plain site with an acceptable excuse.

PUNK MUSIC IS POLITICAL!!! (with perhaps the exception of pop punk) whether you like it or not! If you don’t accept this fact then your doing nothing more than buying into a fashion craze sold to you by the media. Even if a band doesn’t sing about politics directly songs about social issues are inherently political as politics affects society.

I’m not saying everyone has to go out and become an activist but have an opinion on important matters at least!

The next time someone tells you they’re not political in an argument over an issue in society, remind them that by there is no such thing and to get off the fence.

