EP Update & The Guthrie Challenge

EP Update:

I’ve decided that the EP is not going to happen, at least not with the songs and recordings I’ve done so far. Its not because I didn’t think they were good songs its just that they were very shouty. Shouty songs unfortunately are very hit and miss live as to whether I hit the notes or my voice breaks. I’ve instead decided to aim for a more calm Guthrie/Seeger/Paxton style so that when I play the songs live I’m not going to be constantly worrying about killing my voice and making high pitched noises when it breaks.

Guthrie Challenge:

On August 30th I decided to issue myself with what I’ve called the Guthrie challenge. This is based on Woody Guthrie’s new year resolutions (see image), number 8 of which is “Write a song a day”. Guthrie had some good resolutions but this one struck me when I first read them. I thought “a song a day! I struggle to write one a week.” Today is day 4 of #GuthrieChallenge and today I wrote a song about empty buildings because of the new Anti-Squatting law in the UK. So far I’ve written 5 songs during the challenge, some good and some bad but I’ve written them & thats what counts. There is definitely something to writing everyday as well regardless of the outcome. Writing is something I’ve often struggled with, I often complain of writers block and this is definitely helping with that. Hopefully I’ll have enough GOOD songs soon I’ll be able to release another album.

woodie guthries new years resolutions

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